Animals starting with Y

Animals starting with Y, które możecie znaleźć w naszej bazie to obecnie 1. Frazy na Y to: York, Ale na tym nie koniec! Bazę "Animals starting with Y" powiększamy cały czas.


York is an animal beginning with the letter Y. It is the common name for a Yorkshire Terrier dog breed. It is assumed that it was separated in the mid-nineteenth century. The dogs come from Yorkshire in the north of Great Britain. Initially, their task was mainly to eradicate domestic pests - rats and mice. Currently, however, they are considered typical pets, which are supposed to keep the company at home and to make everyday walks pleasant.

Yorkies are small dogs, reaching 18 to 23 cm in height. They have long, soft fur that is often properly styled. Though they are considered adorable dogs with a bow in their hair, their character is rather the opposite of their appearance. Yorkshire Terrier is a breed with a brave, fierce character and a specific temperament. They are not afraid of confronting larger dogs. However, they are loyal animals that will follow their owners on fire.