Plants on A

Plants on A, które możecie znaleźć w naszej bazie to obecnie 5. Frazy na A to: Agawa, Aloes, Acacia, Ash, Anemone, Ale na tym nie koniec! Bazę "Plants on A" powiększamy cały czas.


The tree on A grows wild in the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America. Agave grows up to 6 meters tall and can live over 100 years. Agave is a species of tree in the giant tree family, it blooms only once in a lifetime, usually 615 years and sometimes even 100 years. The flowers, stems and leaves of this plant beginning with the letter A are edible.

Tequila is made from azul or green agave, which is popular in Mexico and all over the world.


Plants starting with the letter A are found in the natural environment of the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. There are over 550 species of aloe. The oil and juice obtained from these plants are used medicinally and cosmetically.


The plant beginning with the letter A, or acacia, grows in tropical and subtropical climates in Africa and Australia, as well as in Southeast Asia and the southern United States. Acacia is a typical element of the savannah and steppe. In Poland, you can meet the black locust.


Ash is a tree from the olive family, with characteristic, corky shoots. Common ash is the most common in Poland, and its height is usually from 20 to 30 meters.


Anemone is a genus of plants on A of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). They are found in the northern hemisphere, especially in temperate climates.